29 December 2008

Smoked salmon blinis

This was our starter on Christmas Day. You weren't keen on the smoked salmon, but the blinis and cream cheese disappeared remarkably quickly.

You'll need:

4 small blinis per person (I cheated and bought these in Sainsbury's - life's too short to stand over a frying pan for that long)
cream cheese
smoked salmon
capers (4 or 5 for decoration per person)
cucumber, sliced into long thin strips - you want 5 or 6 strips per person

I thought the blinis would be nice warm, so I heated mine in the oven for 2 or 3 minutes (the oven was on at about 180 degrees C to cook the capon anyway). Spread the cream cheese liberally on each blini, and then top with a generous piece of smoked salmon.

Arrange the cucumber on each plate in a fan shape, and dot with the capers. Sling 4 blinis on each plate, and present to your delighted audience.

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