02 March 2009

Leek and thyme pastries

You're still in the throes of chicken pox, so you had leek and bacon pasta for tea. Your Dad and I decided to go all sophisticated with these later on.

You'll need:

2 large leeks, sliced
2 tablespoons creme fraiche
1 egg, beaten
black pepper, dried thyme
125g (ish) puff pastry (readymade)

Stick the oven on at 180 degrees C.

Fry the leeks in a little olive oil, until they've softened. Add lots of dried thyme (I would use fresh, but there's none to be found outside at the moment) and black pepper. Leave to cool slightly.

Beat together the egg and creme fraiche, and add to the leeks.

Roll out your puff pastry into a couple of rectangles. Fold over the edges of each, to make a thin border, and place on a baking tray (preferably on a silicon sheet). Tip the leek mixture onto each piece of pastry, and spread it out evenly. It's delicious as it is, but you could also grate some parmesan on top of the leek mixture, if you'd like a stronger taste.

Bake in the oven for 25 minutes or so, until the pastry is crisp and golden brown.

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