23 April 2009

Bacon and blue cheese salad

This is your Dad's kind of salad - one with 'interesting things in'. We ate it today for tea, as the pair of you were still fairly full from IKEA's meatballs and chips at lunchtime...

You'll need:

salad leaves (we had a combination of romaine lettuce, homegrown parsley and celery leaves today)
a couple of cold leftover potatoes, sliced
spring onions, sliced
a large carrot, peeled and sliced thinly
2 or 3 rashers of bacon, chopped into small pieces
a handful of cubes of stilton (or any blue cheese - Roquefort is brilliant, but a little wasted here)
lots of black pepper

Fry the bacon in a small frying pan, until it's crispy. You could even make some croutons by frying cubes of stale bread in the bacon fat, if you're really being fancy.

Chuck the leaves/spring onions/carrot slices in a large bowl. Scatter the bacon pieces and stilton cubes over the top, and toss. Add lots of black pepper, and serve with some crusty bread.

It works very well with a French-ish salad dressing of mustard/olive oil/vinegar/lemon drizzled over the top.

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