01 May 2009

Leek, courgette and stilton tart

This used up the last of the leeks from the allotment. Sadly, it did nothing for the glut of swedes from the vegetable box.

You'll need:

4 or 5 medium leeks, washed and sliced
a couple of onions, sliced
a good wedge of stilton (doesn't matter if it's past its best somewhat), crumbled
a small courgette, sliced
a splosh of olive oil
lots of black pepper, and a little dried thyme
shortcrust pastry

Stick the oven on at about 200 degrees C.

Splash a little olive oil into a pan, and fry the leeks and onions on a low heat, until they soften. Add half a teaspoon of thyme, and season with black pepper.

Roll out your shortcrust pastry, and place on a baking tray (preferably one covered in greaseproof paper, or greased with a little oil or butter). You could bake the pastry blind at this point, if you have the time (cover with a sheet of greaseproof paper, and place some baking beans on top before sticking in the oven for 10 minutes or so).

If, like me, you're aiming to have tea ready for 6pm, spread the leek/onion mixture on top of the raw pastry, and dot with the slices of courgette, and the pieces of stilton.

Drizzle a little olive oil over the top, and bung in the oven for 20-30 minutes, until the pastry has turned golden brown, and the stilton has melted. (Obviously if you've already baked the pastry case blind, you'll not need as long).

We ate this with a green salad, and some new potatoes.

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