30 July 2008

Chicken pilaf

Mainly because (a) we had a roast chicken yesterday, so there's still some left and (b) we're inundated with parsley - last year's seeds have lodged in the cracks in the paving in the front garden, and have turned into a forest.

You'll need:

cooked chicken (a little per person)
rice - about a mugful for three people
an onion
flaked almonds
a handful of flat leaf parsley, chopped

Put the rice in a pan with double the amount of water (ie 2 mugs). Bring to the boil, and simmer (don't let it stick to the bottom of the pan). It should be ready when all the water has been absorbed - if it's still a little chewy add a bit more.

In the meantime, chop up your onion reasonably finely, and fry in a pan with some olive oil until it becomes translucent.

Once the rice is cooked, add to the onion. Stir in the cooked chicken, chopped parsley and a handful of raisins. Decant onto some plates, and scatter a few flaked almonds on top.

It's nice with some green salad, or maybe cucumber and yoghurt. We ate this on the balcony today, although it threatened to rain any minute, and I had to make a run for it to get the washing in.

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