29 July 2008

Roast chicken with lemon

This is about the easiest thing you could ever hope to make.

one chicken (for lots of people) or one pouissin (for one)
one lemon

Cut the lemon into quarters. Squeeze a bit of juice over the chicken, and stick three of the quarters inside. Leave the other one in the roasting dish. Grind black pepper over the top of the chicken.

Put either a lid on, or a bit of foil over the top, and put the chicken in the oven (around 180 degrees) for an hour. If it's a small chicken, it'll probably need another half an hour, with the foil/lid taken off - if it's bigger, just keep testing it until the juices run clear (that means stick a knife in it, and if the stuff that comes out is pink, it needs cooking for longer!).

Bring out of the oven and leave to rest for a few minutes before carving.

We ate this with boiled new potatoes from Grandma and Grandad's garden, a green salad, and some lime pickle. Oh, and a bottle of La Ressaudie 2007 - but that bit went way over your head.

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