28 July 2008

Courgette, tuna and lemon pasta

We have lots of courgettes in the pots on the balcony at the moment. And we were starving after going for a swim this afternoon, and needed a really quick tea (this should take about 12-15 minutes, beginning to end).

Makes enough for three. With maybe a bit left in the fridge for lunch tomorrow.

a couple of medium-sized courgettes, sliced thinly lengthways
a large onion, sliced
maybe a clove of garlic
a little dried thyme, Mediterranean herbs, or similar
juice of a lemon
a small tin of tuna, in oil (preferably olive, but sunflower will do)

Pasta - we had twists today, but that's mostly because Morrisons does some surprisingly good 'value' ones at 19p, when the rest of the world is charging a fortune for bows and the like.

Drain the oil from the tuna into a jar - pour some into a frying pan, and use to saute the onions (and garlic if you feel like it) over a low heat. While this is going on, add the pasta (about three handfuls per person) to a pan of boiling water (this should take about 7-8 minutes until it's al dente).

Once the onions are translucent, add the courgettes and herbs, and cook until the courgettes have softened. Drain the pasta (keep back a couple of spoonfuls of water), and then add to the courgette/onion mixture, with the lemon juice and the tuna. Swish it all round in the pan for a few seconds - add the couple of spoonfuls of pasta water to loosen the pasta/sauce if necessary.

Dish up. With lots of black pepper and grated parmesan.

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